Working group

Garralda Elena

Elena Garralda

Chair, Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), ES

Scott Laurie

Chair, Ottawa Hospital Cancer Center, CA

Bingshu Chen Steering Committee Canadian Cancer Trials Group, CA
Janet Eary Steering Committee National Cancer Institute, US
Saskia LitièreSteering Committee EORTC Headquarters, BE
Rabih SaidSteering Committee National Cancer Institute, US
Philippe Bedard Core University Health Network, CA
Emiliano Calvo Core START Madrid, ES
Alice Chen Core National Cancer Institute, US
Janet Dancey Core Canadian Cancer Trials Group, CA
Laure Fournier Core Hôpital Européeen Georges-Pompidou, FR
Mithat Gonen Core Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, US
Philippe Lambin Core Maastricht University, NL
Christophe Le Tourneau Core Institut Curie, FR
Nancy Lin Core Dana Farber Cancer Institute, US
Raquel Perez-Lopez Core Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology,  ES
Philipp Schader Core German Cancer Research Center, DE
Lawrence Schwartz Core Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, US
Brooke Wilson Core Kingston Health Sciences Centre, CA
Alexander Wyatt Core University of British Columbia, CA
Christina Yap Core Institute of Cancer Research, UK